$265.50 USD

Pregnancy to Parenting. Postpartum Journey. Modules 6-10

Babies don't come home with instruction manuals. The Pregnancy to Parenting - Raising Confident Parents Online Course will help you navigate your postpartum/post-delivery journey by teaching you how to feed your baby, how to provide healthy sleep, how to overcome sleep deprivation and postpartum depression, how to keep the spark alive with your partner, how to find your support community - your village - of other Moms, and how to hire the help you need.

What you'll get:

  • Recorded video instruction
  • Audio files and podcasts
  • Slide presentations
  • Transcripts
  • Additional reference materials
  • Interviews
  • Checklists
  • Shopping Lists

What People Are Saying:

"You might think this course is just survival tips for new Moms, but it's anything but. It covers exactly what you need to know from start to finish. It's very empowering and liberating to have a guide to prepare us for a journey that we can only truly deduce once we're there".

Tove, J.

"The title Pregnancy to Parenting: Raising Confident Parents says it all. It is the answered prayer for those who seek help in caring for their newborn. It provides no nonsense tips and strategies to help you get through each parenting step in a language that everyone can easily understand".

Margaret H.